Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Test 2

Without reference. Took me awhile to figure out composition. Actually the most challenge in this painting are buildings in the background.... The lighting is really similar to my previous one. I need to come up with different composition next time.


  1. That's a lot better than your first attempt.
    Be careful not to get too desaturated in the highlights. And avoid using black for the shadows.
    Pay close attention to the light direction.

    You have a sharp rim light on the right side of the tree although it should be in shadow.

    The highlight side of the dog would be a lot brighter since he is standing in direct light.

    If the girl is casting a shadow on the ground you need to put at least her legs in light to justify the shadow. A nice rim light on her calves and dress would look nice.

    The buildings in the background are not working but you mentioned that in your post. When you struggle like that, don't hesitate to pull up some reference of buildings in a similar lighting setup to see what's going on.

    Keep it up!

  2. Thank you goro, im really excited to see your crit! I kept making the same stupid mistake again and agin. I would have seen those mistakes from other painting, not from my own paintings. When you mentioned about the highlight of the dog and sharp rim light of the tree, i hit myself on my head....why i couldn't see that! Yes the buildings and those bushes looks really ugly. I should practice more on that. Thank you for your time Goro!
